This is the INSTALL.txt file of the CRONw - CRON for Windows Project at Visit the home page and read the UPDATE.txt document, too. InstallationWe plan to create an windows style installer but for now you have to install CRONw manually:
That's it. Please read "Debugging your installation" if you encounter any errors.
Debugging your installation
Most errors starting the service are due to missing modules. Please launch a command shell,
go to your CRONw directory and type If the error message doesn't help you please look into the log located in the subdirectory 'logs'. For additional help please use our mailing list:
crontabThe structure of the file crontab is described in the online help, see below. An alternate crontab may be named using the --crontab= switch. You may update the crontab file while the service is running.If no crontab exists during initialization (startup) time of the service, one will be created.
Controlling the service
Once the service is installed you can start it via
The service is set to automatic startup at system startup time, so it will be
running next time you reboot or power on your computer. If you ever want to
stop the service, use
You may pause and continue the service by these commands:
The service will show up in the list of running services when a single
You may control it via Windows' MMC administrational tools, too. LogfilesThe logs will be written to a directory names 'logs' below the main cronw directory. The logging can be controlled by modifing logs.conf. You may rise the amount of log output by changing the loglevel in configureLogger ("WARN", "INFO") into "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" or "FATAL". Use loglevel debug with care as you'll get very big logfiles after some time. Don't leave it enabled after testing. Help
If you want to run CRONw with a local user id (different from "local system") please use "." as domain (e.g. --user=".\Username"). Please note that the user must have the permission to "act as part of the operating system". You may use the Windows Policy Editor in order to grant this privilege to the desired user (group). Please decribe the error and the expected results a precise as possible. Reading Eric Raymond's & Rick Moen's "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" may help you. If you have problems installing CRONw or starting the service please include the output of "perl" in your post. SecurityWhen using the default preferences all programs referenced in crontab.txt will be executed with the local SYSTEM account. In order to keep your system secure you should ensure that only trustworthy users have write access to "", "", "log.conf" and "crontab.txt". Uninstallation
If you ever want to uninstall the software, do this: Stop the service via
Now delete the directory 'CRONw' holding the files.
After that you may choose to remove the additionals modules such as Win32::Daemon.
To remove perl modules use " We recommend not to uninstall any modules. CreditsA huge thank goes out to Scott McMahan, who wrote the main CRON code and put it in the public domain. He did this back in '95 on Perl 4, while nowadays he wouldn't write such code, he says ;) The original is here: and here: Another bow goes to Dave Roth from Roth Consulting (WA, USA). He provides and maintains the highly useful Win32::Daemon package and other useful contributions to the Perl community. Visit for details. Felix Schwarz did a great rewrite of most of the source, fulfilling several open tasks at once. Thanks! AuthorsThis CRON for Windows package was initially built in 2003 by Robert Kehl, Nuremberg, Germany. Comments, suggestions and improvements are welcome at cronw at robertkehl de, have a look at for more information. Felix Schwarz joined the team in early 2004 after thoroughly examining the source code and surviving the horror he faced while reading it. Bob Showalter joined in spring 2004, now we're three! |